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The Aftermath of War

Mexican Family daguerreotypeGraham Pilecki Collection

The legacy of any important historical event must be measured from many viewpoints. The discussion of the legacy is an on-going process because history, after all, is never final, as succeeding generations confront for themselves the forces and ideas that shape our lives.

The issues raised during the U.S.-Mexican War are ones that are still valid today: the contradiction between stated ideals and actual practice; the distinction between a "just" and an "unjust" war; the ways citizenship is defined and identified in a multicultural society; and the challenges in building progressive and democratic nations.

Violence and Violations

A Conversation With Antonia I. Castañeda

Apuntes and the Lessons of History

A Conversation with Jesús Velasco-Márquez

The Legacy of the U.S.-Mexican War

by Miguel Soto

The Legacy of the War

by Miguel Ángel González Quiroga

Was the U.S.-Mexican War Necessary?

By David M. Pletcher

Crucible for Greatness

by John C. Waugh

Vast New Territories

by Robert W. Johannsen

The War Between the United States and Mexico

by Robert Ryal Miller

Many Truths Constitute the Past

A Conversation With David J. Weber